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SK-31-5 / SK-31-5-1
Silimagnet Mat
38(L) x 29(W) x 0.6(H) cm

43(L) x 35(W) x 0.6(H) cm
Product inquiry
Silimagnet Mat (2 Sizes)
SK-31-5 / SK-31-5-1

It is a silicone and magnet mat for surgical tool storage during surgery. 
Silimagnet Mat is used to prevent the damage of microscopes and surgery instruments.
Medical magnet is included inside, which helps to manage surgical instruments during surgery.
It is resistant to temperatures up to 300°C and is sterilized at high pressure steam.
Steam / EO / Plasma Sterilizable 


SK-31-5: 38(L) x 30(W) x 0.6(H) cm
SK-31-5-1: 43(L) x 35(W) x 0.6(H) cm